Saturday 28 April 2012

Wow, I haven't been on here in ages!
I'm here now:

Tuesday 6 April 2010

ask me, i won't say 'no'. how could i?
will post the replies on here and tumblr.

leap of faith

taken in and around Porthleven, where i am on holiday at the moment, staying in a very quaint little cottage that used to be a fisherman's cottage.
it is all low ceilings and whitewashed walls, aga cookers and heated tile floors. the lovely owners left freshly baked scones, little pots of jam, some tea and some milk, and a little pot of clotted cream for us.
lovely surprise.

telescope pictures.

Tuesday 9 March 2010

sunday, 7th march 2010

first clear, sunny day in three months. walked to williamson’s park. toddlers taking tentative jumps after their mothers down the memorial steps. couples laughing and holding hands and strolling along leaf-littered paths. small kids on bikes going round and round. warm in the sun, yet there is a memory of frost in the air, and the lake is frozen over. playing hide-and-seek with dad, playing tig with mum. friends sitting and smoking and talking.

i sit by myself and watch dog walkers laughing at each other and people in hammocks drinking coffee out of thermos flasks. i sit and pull at the dry grass and close my eyes. i am relaxed. i have never felt more content, more happy than this moment.

climb a tree, sit and watch the birds fluttering and flitting through the branches with such ease. as they, along with last year’s dead leaves cast shadows on my upturned face, i have never felt so happy and content than now, sitting in a huge tree, it’s branches embracing me like comforting arms.

first day of spring?

exited for the summer ahead, where i can walk and sit and talk and have picnics with people i haven’t seen for a while. i will make a picnic lunch every time- crusty baguettes, cool water in huge bottles, and plenty of fresh, home baked cake. i will never have felt so content in my life, in the sun, thinking of the possibilities of the two years of sixth form and then gap year? ahead, surrounded by the people i cherish and love the most. (esp. eden, bekah, sandy and sophia. that would be the best thing ever)

i will have tea parties and invite people wearing pretty dresses round to my house to chat and drink earl grey in the sun, of course with an abundance of homemade cake. and i will never have felt as happy or content as i do in that moment in my life.

i can’t wait for summer.
this is where i am now. sorry i have neglected this blog no one xxx
i may decide to come back soon. i may not.

Saturday 23 May 2009


This is my cat alfie:
(it will be bernard's turn soon!)

(happy 50th birthday morrissey for yesterday ;] )